Funding and Financial Aid

Funding Your Education

There are a many ways to fund your education. Due to the flexible nature of the program and variety of student needs, methods for funding the Master’s education vary. Below are highlighted some of the more common ways students support their educational and living needs.

The M.S. in Bacteriology program does not directly provide funding for any student in the program. Being a part of the larger University of Wisconsin – Madison Graduate School means that students have access to opportunities throughout campus.

Coursework Track

Students in the coursework track employ a variety of ways to pay for their education. Some of the common options are listed below:

  • Teaching Assistant (see “Graduate Assistants” below for more information)
  • Project Assistant
  • Part-time job
  • Full-time job
  • Employer supported tuition

A good starting place to look for these positions is the Student Job Center.

Research Track

Students in the research track are supported by a research assistant position from the faculty mentor. This position will include a stipend, tuition remission, and health care benefits.

More information about research assistant positions can be found by reviewing the graduate assistant information below.

Graduate Assistants

A graduate assistant can be in the form a research assistant (RA), teaching assistant (TA), or project assistant (PA). This type of position is the most common way students fund their education. Research track students are funded on a research assistantship through their mentor’s lab. Many coursework track students apply for teaching assistantships in departments across campus.

General Information on UW- Madison Graduate Assistantships

Teaching Assistants

This position is common among coursework track students. Each student must apply for the position directly to the position listing or department. Students are not guaranteed a position. Departments that students have commonly found positions with in the past are listed below. You can find helpful tips in our “How do I find a Teaching Assistantship Guide”.


